Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The walls are coming up!

Another day building!

We woke up...lots of yelling this morning.  Tough to get the kids moving quickly.  For some reason eating, brushing their teeth, getting dressed and finding their socks is a LOT more stressful than it needs to be.

We all left at the same time this morning.  Tim hauled the kids to school and Jenn, Krystal and I headed to Dona Luisa's bakery to get croissants and banana bread before we headed to the other house.  Our workers showed up early today!

We took a different route to the house today..more dirt roads, but less cobblestones.  Not  sure what is better (or worse as the case may be)

Was good to show up at the site again today...the little kids are warming up to us.  We had some clothes for them and some toys.  They are adorable...and the little girl LOVED the hat we brought her.

For lunch we walked down to the tienda and bought them out of cold sodas....they serve them in glass bottles with real sugar!  We bought some with for our workers, the workers at the house next to us, and our mom.  We also brought a watermelon for lunch today..and had leftovers from Mayda's cooking on Sunday night for lunch today.  Delicioso.

After lunch the boys played a some sort of game with the soccer ball.  Tim and both Juan Jose and Hector were playing.  When someone lost, they had to stand with their back to the winner...and the winner got to kick the ball at them.  Looked like a firing squad.  Juan Jose took first.  Hector took second.

Lots of concrete stacking today....I tried talking Reece into joining the peace corps and settling down into Nicaragua so I could come visit.  I'm not sure he's sold on it.

Mickey (our driver from last year) showed up again to help.  He's always giggling.  I love that guy.  Cracks me up.  Last year he told us he was nicknamed Mickey for Mickey Mouse because his orejas were grande. :)  Love it.

Kids showed up at 12:45 again.   The boys went to play futbol with Elmer and Byron from our house.  They also found some kids to give some of the balls to...and all of the kids had packed toys to give away so they had fun doing that.  We gave a soccer ball to each of our workers to take home to their children as well.  One little boy walked down with his dad because he wanted a ball...and we had to tell him to come back tomorrow.

Long ride home tonight.  Chicken bus was coming in hot...and pretty sure I could have knocked on the drivers window he got so close.  Fun times.   Krystal, Jenn and I ran to the mercado when we got home to get some fresas, huevos, pan, futbols....and then hustled over to Casa Paraiso Colonial for dinner!

Dinner was awesome again.  Chicken with mushrooms and guac.  Kevin suggested that someone should invent cones made out of tortilla shells that could just be filled with guac.  I'm in!  I could eat it with a spoon.  Ethan even had seconds of salad....he must be growing.  When the kids got home they polished off two boxes of mac and cheese.  Jenn and I went by the farmaceria to get aloe for Krystal...she's a little bit red. :)  Unfortunately, I only had $s and not Qs so I couldn't even buy any.  By the time we left, it was dark outside, so we weren't heading back out to get more.  

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