Friday, July 24, 2015

Back at it.

No one was ready to get out of bed this morning.  We were all still tired.  Tim walked the kids to school and I walked to the From Houses to Homes office.  I had a suitcase of shoes, clothes, toys, and books for Teo's kids.  Teo is the guy we built with last year.  I loved watching the guys all show up for work.  I wonder if they need another part time secretary. :)  Or an internet security expert?  Ha.

I got to see Hector (he had on the hat we had left for him), JJ, Teo, Fernando, Julio and Mickey.  Oscar was there so I gave him the bandages that I had forgotten to take to the medical clinic.  I also picked up a package of thank you letters.  One of the guys had on a Chippewa Valley Bank shirt that I'd left.  There is such a sense of camaraderie around these guys.  It's infectious.  They are definitely a team.  They are fun just to be around.  We got a group picture before I took off.  After I left, I walked by another Antigua construction crew.  Cracks me up how much time they spend fixing these cobblestone streets!

I worked for a little while and then headed back out to pick the kids up from lunch.  They were in much better moods than when I'd left them that morning.  I left a bit earlier so I could stop by Cafe Conde to see if the angel guy was there so I could pick up the last 3 angels.  Of course, when I got there, I couldn't just get 3.  I got 4...which was 40Q.  I gave him a 100.  Usually his grandson is with him to do change.  When I gave him the 100Q ( I expected change), but he gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me he was going to go eat!  Guess who got a $10 tip.  Sucker.  How do you say that in Spanish?  What's worse?  I walked up the avenue under the arch and stopped in another shop to look while I was waiting for the kids.  When I came out, he was by La Merced selling angels.  He grinned and asked if I needed another one.  Um sure.  That was only 15Q.  I did see him buying food from a stand at the market though.  So he was true to his word.

Got the kids and walked back to the casa.  They swam and ate lunch.  Told them they were running out of days to hang out in the pool over lunch! Can't believe how quickly time is passing.  Thursday we are going to ChiChi and on Friday we are going to visit Gabi over lunch.  She's a girl we sponsor via Ninos con Bendicion.  The Hero Twins were busy over lunch making plans to start a gift shop at our house when they get home.  They are going into the bracelet making business.  They said they are giving 25% of their profits to Guatemala though.  Those two are ALWAYS up to something.

After lunch, I walked them back to school and we stopped to get ice cream.  A waffle cone for $1.  Can't beat that.  I was feeling lazy so I took a tuk tuk home.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to eat an ice cream cone while riding in a tuk tuk.  That was not a pleasant experience.  My face was covered when I got home.  Crazy.

Tim and I both walked to get the kids at 5 because we told them we'd take them to Cafe Sky for dinner.  On the way, we stopped at Dona Luisa's (again) to get some ham and cheese croissants.  Ethan loves those things.  I need to find them in Madison...although I doubt I'll find them as convenient as they are here.   The student director of PLFM was at the bakery buying ham/cheese croissants for the trip to ChiChi on Thursday. :)  Good thing the kids like them!

Dinner was amazing at Cafe Sky (again).  Kids were a little crabby.  Not shocking I guess.  They are sick of only having each other for company.  We called it an early night because it will be a long day Thursday!

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