Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Monday with Scott and Shelly!

Whew.  The pace has slowed down a bit.  We are grateful for that. :)  We were going 100 miles an hour last week.

Monday morning the kids went back to school.  Shelly and I walked them to school.  They all have new teachers again.  Ethan and Jake switched teachers from last week.  Grace has the teacher that Jake had the first week.   They continue to learn.  Jake doesn't think he is learning as fast as he should but the other day when we were at the mercado, I asked what a fruit was and she answered and I said 'what is that?'  Jake said "peach.  It's a peach, mom".  I told him that his receptive language will come before his ability to speak but both will improve.  I told him that he can walk around Antigua with his teacher but he still says nope...he doesn't learn as much walking around and he wants to learn as much as he can.  Amazing how hard he will work when it's something he is interested in.  I just need to figure out how we are going to continue to let him improve when we are home.

On the way to drop the kids off, I ran into my friend that makes the angels.  I didn't have money with me but I told him I'd meet him at Cafe Condesa later in the day.

Scott, Shelly and I went to pick up the kids for lunch.  We left early so we could stop at Cafe Conde to get my angels.  I bought 5! (3 were for my cousin Brooke) and Shelly bought 1.  I also bought a beautiful frame.  We walked over to Dona Luisa bakery to pick up more banana bread.  Anyone recognize a trend here?   I got 2 extra for the families that we built for last year since we will be visiting them on Tuesday.

We strolled under the arch to La Merced church and walked through it.  They were changing out the flowers in all of the displays.  The church is beautiful.  The kids came back to swim for lunch and we made quesadillas and had fish from Mayda.

I walked the kids back at 2 to school and talked to the director about field trips.  Scott, Shelly, Tim and I are going to Tecpan on Wednesday to visit the child that Scott and Shelly sponsor via Compassion International.  Since the kids have a break from 12-2, I needed to make sure they had somewhere to go.  They wanted to go on the field trip Tuesday to Iximche.  It's a Mayan site that they have been to before, but Jake is especially interested in Mayan history.  Since we are going to Escuela Kemna'oj on Tuesday to deliver books for Grace's class, that wasn't an option.  Leslie (the director) was kind enough to switch that field trip to Wednesday so that the kids could go.   They get back from Iximche around 1, but she said she'd order takeout from the restaurant near the school and the kids could just eat at the school.  Everyone here (well...that I'm encountering) is so sweet and helpful.  

I met Scott and Shelly at the market so they could pick up a soccer ball for Jose.  I got some dish towels for Reina (our house from last year).  We walked through the Artisans market and looked at some paintings.  Once again we heard "This is not China...this is Guatemala".  Cracks me up.

Tim and I went to get the kids at 5.  Are you keeping track?  That's 8 miles of walking today on those damn cobblestones.  Ridiculous.  We stopped on the way to pick up some fruit.  One of the things I love about being here.  It's going to be hard to go back to shopping at Copps.  We also passed a place that was selling bricks!  Maybe the place we get the bricks to build the houses at.

Mayda came and made dinner.  I gave her a playset that someone had brought down.  It was a little train of blocks.  She loved it.  She is the sweetest lady.  She made amazing chicken for us.  She tried the Guacamole I tried to make.   She wrinkled her nose and told me it was easy and she would teach me how on Tuesday.  She was here forever.  She even made some pancakes for us so that we could just heat them up for breakfast on Tuesday.  Love that lady.  She's amazing.

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