Saturday, July 18, 2015

Free day!

Set my alarm to get up at 4 to wish Scott and Shelly goodbye.  They were up and ready to go.  Well as ready as you can be to leave Guatemala.  So glad they came.  They were awesome houseguests! All of our guests have been.  I'm so glad we got a place big enough to have visitors.  Guillermo showed up around 4:15 to whisk them away.

We went back to bed and slept until 7.  That was a nice break.  Then we laid around and watched the movie Rookie of the Year.  It's nice to be able to relax a bit for a change.  The kids talked about what they still wanted to get at the market since we had some time and we headed out.  We picked up some gifts for friends, some Christmas gifts, and while Jake was bargaining for a knife, we made some friends.  We told them we'd be back later with some stuffed animals for them.

We walked through the general market quickly to look for some soccer jerseys.  That's all my kids are going to end up wearing next year but the price is right. I told them it's back to school shopping.

We went back home to swim and eat lunch.  I can't tell you how nice it's been to have the pool here.  We talked about getting a place without a pool, but having one here has been perfect.

After lunch, everyone but Ethan headed out towards Parque Central.  We stopped at the Artisans market to hand out our stuffed animals to the family we'd promised them too and Jake picked out a knife.  Just what he needs.  We walked down the main street and the girls each picked up a flute and we got a drum for our sitter's son.  The kids were pretty excited.  We walked to Nim Pot which is a store with a TON of things.  They do consignment I believe so the prices are listed and there isn't any bargaining.  It's relaxing for a change.  We picked up a rain stick and some sodas.  Then we headed to La Merced church because Jake had  been wanting to walk through it.  It's beautiful.  They were getting it ready for a wedding when we were there today.

We walked back home after that to swim again before dinner.  Ethan called just as we were getting back.  Apparently the 90 minute break from us was enough.

While the kids swam, Ethan and I walked back to the market to look for some pants for him.  They had some at the place we had purchased some soccer jerseys.  He tried them on and $30 later we were on our way with 3 new pair of pants.  We stopped to get some gifts from the market to the stall I always go to.  She's so sweet.  She gives me a good deal on things..and she should given what I'd spent there.  Probably doesn't hurt that I brought some gifts for her aughter.  She has a son that is a bit older, so I told him I'd bring him back a construction set later.

Ethan hopped in the pool when we got back until about 4:30.  We headed out then to Mono Loco for dinner.  There was a 4k children's race that Jake was going to do today at 4:00pm but he fell and banged his ankle on the steps yesterday and it hurts to walk.  Running on cobblestone didn't seem like it was going to help the situation.  He was upset but he was the one that made the final decision.

I told Tim we needed to stop in the Artesian's market to drop off the construction set.  I think he thinks I'm crazy.  He should be used to it by now.  The little boy was pretty excited to get it.  So glad I had it laying around still.  We went to Mono Loco and I was less than impressed.  It wasn't bad food, but it wasn't great either.  Ethan and I split nachos.  Grace got a bacon cheeseburger that Ethan ened up eating half off.  Lily got dessert and Jake got a pizza.  Jake says the first thing he is going to do when he gets home is have a huge glass of milk and some cheese.  He's going crazy.  Cracks me up.

Lily had brought a bunch of beanie babies with so she could hand them out to some of the kids in Parque Central.  The kids *loved* them.  And they always ask for one for their brother and/or sister.  They might be lying, but they are convincing enough for me to just keep handing them out.  Breaks my heart because they are the same age as my kids.  What makes it ok that they are working while my kids are able to hand out the gifts.  It's not right.   Probably one of the hardest things to see down here.  Maybe handing out stuffed animals isn't helping anything, but I love seeing their smiles.

We got home to swim, again, and watch Turbo.  We have another visitor coming in tonight.  Mary Sebastian is a woman who I've been talking to online for a couple of years.  She is one of the primary supporters of the Ninos con Bendicion organization.  She is flying in tonight but can't get into her house until tomorrow.  She is staying in the same complex we are.  Since we have space, she's going to come here and bunk for the night.  That way she doesn't need to worry about hauling luggage around from a motel to here, etc.  I'm looking forward to seeing her.  Guillermo is picking her up at the airport and bringing her in.  Long day for him!  I saw him at 4:30 this morning and I'll see him around midnight tonight!

Tomorrow?  Another day with no plans.  I'm looking forward to it.

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