Thursday, July 2, 2015

One more day until our friends arrive!

We are getting into a groove here. :)  Panqueques, huevos, y pan de banana por desayuno.  The kids put their clothes away.  Tim and I did all of the laundry yesterday and weren't quick enough to fold the stuff in the the housekeeper washed them too.  We aren't used to that. :)  The girls watched the end of the Cinderella movie this morning!    So far these $1 pirated movies are working just like the redbox at home.   Ethan and Jake were less than thrilled with the choice but they picked the first movie.

 They were doing some construction work today! The kids were confused as to why they were just replacing cobblestones with more cobblestones.
 The one above is me in the back of a tuk tuk.

Little Caesers needs to employ a guard with a huge gun?

I walked the kids to school.  Fuego seems a little quieter today although there are still large plumes of smoke going up.  Lily was a little bit crabby this morning.  She forgot her notebook and was sure her teacher was going to yell at her and she was going to be in trouble, etc, etc.  She told me it was my fault.  I told her that it was NOT my fault that she forgot her notebook and it was her responsibility.  Not sure she cared....or believed me.

I dropped the kids at 8 and had a meeting at 8...and for some reason although the wifi worked well, the voice call wasn't working.  I hopped in a tuktuk (like a rickshaw) and was home in 5 minutes.  I could get used to that.  When Tim was done with his work call, he headed back to the school to give Lily her notebook.  High maintenance that one.

I was able to go to the mercado before picking the kids up.  I went all the way into the mercado to get a pinata for Grace's birthday.  They gave me a ratoncita!  I also got the stick y dulces.  We will have a fiesta on Sunday.  I also picked up a boatload of bananas, 3 pitaya, strawberries and apples for $5. I ran out of space for a pineapple.  I'll need to get one later.   I brought the stuff back to the house because I was NOT going to walk through Antigua with a 3 foot tall (slight exaggeration) Minnie Mouse.  Stopped by Dona Luisa to get banana bread and some peanut butter cookies.  They didn't have crescents but assured me that manana en la tarde they would have some.  Ethan wants to try the ham and cheese ones.  I even had some time to walk through La Merced before picking the kids up.

There is a group of about 30 staying at the houses around the pool.  The kids were irritated when they came home and they were in the pool playing volleyball.  It didn't take long for them to join in though.  I practically had to drag them out for their fresas y queso that they are having every single day for lunch.

School this afternoon was good.  I'm learning more each day.  I'm jealous that the kids get to go for 3 more weeks.    School is from 8-12 each day and then 2-5.  Breaks are from 10-10:30 and 3:30-4.  During the break, the kids and I went to get ice cream cones and to see if Fuego was puffing.  It is quiet today.  Jake says it''s because it farted yesterday.  Nice.

Tim met us after school and we walked home.  Jake needed to stop at the bodegona to get index cards and markers so he can make flash cards to study for his test tomorrow.  I took Lily to el mercado to look for shoes.  She's too picky.  We did end up with another 4 pounds of strawberries for $1.25.  They ate the 4 pounds I bought this morning at lunch.

Mayda made my favorite meal yet today....chille rellenos.  AMAZING.  Seriously.  This woman is phenomenal.  We had a conversation tonight about her grandchildren and we were making plans for next week.  It's so nice to be at the point that while I am crazy slow...I can carry on a conversation.I'm hoping that improves as the week goes on.  I''m getting to the point where I am recognizing words that mean the same thing...or sound the same and have different meanings...I feel like I'm making headway.

Kids are now making flash cards to study for their test tomorrow.  Why can't I get them to work this hard at school work at home?

This has probably been my favorite day so far.  Going to the market to pick up food for the day, a pinata for a party, bakery for bread...just getting into the groove of "living" instead of just "visiting".

1 comment:

  1. I love the pinatas at La Bodegona….there is something a little creepy about them and they are giant!! My family brings a piñata to the homes we build on Fridays for a fiesta after the key ceremony. My son and I picked one up one day and it was raining so we bought a poncho and walked through town with our Piñata in a Poncho….I imagine the locals thought, "These gringos are so strange!"
