Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Best day yet

It seems to take a day or two but it's amazing how much more we bond with the family each day.  Today was good...and probably because we interacted with kids more.

Tim  and Krystal walked the kids to school and Jenn and I hauled a suitcase full of things to give away to the house.  We actually hailed a tuk tuk because it''s hard enough to walk on those cobblestones but I had no plans to actually walk a mile dragging a suitcase on them!

We dug through all the suitcases and separated the clothes/shoes from school supplies/clinic and toys.  I have some things to bring to Mariana for the shelter she runs in Northern Guatemala.  We won't be bringing the books to the school tomorrow, I am going to the school next week for those.  Grace would like to go with.  We do have gifts for all of the teachers shouldthough.

The ride up to the house was much better when we were sitting on a suitcase in the back of the pickup.  The mom and kids were excited to see us pull up.  We had bags for our workers with Chippewa Valley Bank t-shirts, Grace Building t-shirts, and Haley's Comet t-shirts.  We also had a Badger hat in each one.  Yesterday we sent home a soccer ball with each of them.

We started by mixing mortar for bricks, but Patty had brought cross molds for each of the houses.  I asked the mom if she would like one and she said we let Juan Jose and Hector know we were going to start the day with crafts.  They laughed, but mixed us up a little.  Brooke worked with her to decorate it.  Mom spent a lot of time today reading (or pointing...and talking, but she has no education so I'm not sure she can read) the books we brought yesterday.

We stacked bricks in the morning...and mom made us lemonade again.  It was awesome.  We got each of the workers a soda for lunch again and when our kids showed up from school, the mom from our house walked us around town to hand out soccer balls, crayons, and beanie babies.  I love those smiling faces.  They would smile when they got the ball...and then thank us quietly...but run away with the biggest grin.  There was a little boy  yesterday who wanted one and he came running towards us today when he saw we were giving them out.  Love being able to give them that.  We handed all the balls out and then 6 little boys showed up.  I asked if they were brothers.  They said no...amigos.  I said NO MAS AMIGOS...but come back tomorrow. :)

Our boys played soccer again with Elmer and Byron from our house.  I had them run two down to the men who work concrete next to the little store.  The men mix with their feet all day for 100Q for 3 days.  That's a little over $4 a day.  I told the boys I was sure those men had kids or grandchildren who would appreciate them.

We brought a suitcase full of shoes and clothes for our house today.  The older boys were excited.  We had sweatshirts and some sweatpants...and some shoes for mom and even dad.  Mom put hers on right away and thanked us.

We listed to a little music today...'I dont know...where I'm gonna go when the volcano blows'.    And something about a party ina  cornfield.

At the end of the day, I love walking down to the soccer field and seeing our boys walk up with Elmer and Byron and saying 'hasta manana'.

Jenn, Krystal and I headed to the market after work to pick up some souveniers.  I gave some of the girl barrettes to the kids selling fresas.  They were adorable...and a wee bit greedy.  They kept wanting more for their hermita. One of them followed me all the way to the artesans market to get more.  After some hard bargaining we headed home so we could go to have some of Mayda's cooking.

Pollo con salsa verde.  Can't complain.  Leftovers for lunch tomorrow too!  Kids ended the night in the pool.  Looking forward to heading to Escuela Kemna'oj tomorrow!

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